Sunday, August 5, 2012


Although I wasn't expecting the need to post something like this when I opened this website officially, I've become aware of suffering that I can't ignore, and in keeping with the World Post Project's theme of broadening horizons, I want to tell you all a bit about Fallon, a 30 year old woman who resides in New York. You can find her blog here, and her donation pages here and here.

I've only been in contact with Fallon for a very short time, but in that time, I've come to know these 5 things about her.

  1. Fallon is currently fighting for her life. She is in immediate need of a total GI transplant due to severe gastroparesis, among other problems, including a brain tumor and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. Hence the donation pages, as her medical bills and the expenses she and her family have had to incur in order to save her life are astronomical.
  2. Fallon and her family are desperately trying to gather the funds to get her out to California, one of the only places where she can receive the transplant surgery she needs and where there is a team of doctors already in place waiting for her.
  3. Fallon is incredibly, incredibly brave. She knows that she is fighting an uphill battle, but she's still trying SO hard to fight it. She has a very strong will to live.
  4. Fallon is determined. Despite weighing ~70 pounds and being in constant, unrelenting pain, she managed to complete her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and graduate summa cum laude.
  5. Fallon is extremely compassionate. With everything that's happened to her, she's still very concerned about her parents. She's written them a letter in case the worst should happen, so that they know how to take care of things, and more importantly, know how much she loves and appreciates them and all they've done for her - so that they know she wants them to live.

I sincerely hope that someday, Fallon won't have to focus so much on her medical state and can concentrate on living her life. Please do what you can to help her have that chance by donating to her at either of the URLs below if you are able and posting a link to any or all of her pages on your Facebook, Twitter, or other social media accounts.

Fallon's Blog -
Fallon's GoFundMe Donation Page -
Fallon's GiveForward Donation Page -

Friday, August 3, 2012

Welcome to the World Post Project!

Hello, world! Welcome to the World Post Project, which is finally live!

The World Post Project is Lauren's crazy idea: to broaden people's horizons through gathering and posting here at least 150 postcards and 150 letters from at least 150 different people who live in 150 places around the globe. (150 is just a base number that was chosen; we'll take whatever we can get!) If you can help us with any of our individual goals, we encourage your participation; therefore, we don't care if you're from the United States and can only write about the United States, you can still help us reach our 150 people goal, even if you can't help us reach our 150 places goal.

So take a look around, read our Rules, and sign up to participate! Whether or not you do, help us reach our goal by sharing/liking our website on your social media networks (buttons for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ are provided on the side bar) and checking out our Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you've got any questions, comments, feedback, or suggestions for us, head on over to our Contact page or leave a comment here, and we'll get back to you ASAP.